Saturday 26 November 2011

Entrapped miners rescued safely from the mine in China (Mian Shakeel Aslam)

Mian Shakeel Aslam.... Forty-five miners dirty, exhausted of coal in China trapped by a landslide were rescued Saturday, ending a 36-hour ordeal on the world's most dangerous country for the industry. Eight miners were killed in the accident.

Thursday after collapsing at least 200 rescue workers dug a small tunnel in 1650 feet (500 meters) deep to reach the trapped miners, people of the Daily.Seven miners trapped were removed alive from the mine on Friday Samenxia city of Henan province in central China.

On Saturday, state television CCTV showed rescue helmets and oxygen tanks ambulance transport mine workers. The miners were on a stretcher, wrapped in blankets, with their eyes covered with towels to prevent them from being damaged by sudden exposure to light after being trapped for hours.

The rescue was the largest in the country since April 2010, when 115 miners were pulled alive after being trapped for eight days in a mine in northern China.

Luo Lin, head of the State Security Administration, praised the rescue efforts after the last child was taken away in an ambulance, but said more work must be done to promote safety.

"The alarm about the safety at work should sound. Enterprises should pay attention to safety when the demand for coal is very strong. ... We should not allow any transaction that violates (safety) rules and regulations" he said.

Luo said that an earthquake of magnitude 2.9, occurred on Thursday near the mine shortly before an "explosion of rock," he said. The phenomenon occurs in the settlement of the earth hangs on the walls of mines and causes a sudden release of stored energy. The pieces of coal and rock explosion or shock wave alone can be fatal.

CCTV said the rescue work was hampered by the large amount of coal dust raised by the explosion.

Coal mines in China are more deadly in the world, although the safety record of the industry has improved in recent years as a minor, illegal mines have been closed. Deaths are now about one third of the peak of almost 7,000 in 2002.

On October 30, a gas explosion in a coal mine in central China's Hunan province killed 29 workers, the worst accident in recent months.

The mine that collapsed Thursday Yima Coal Group belongs to, a major coal companies owned by Henan, the State Administration of Work Safety on its website. Fourteen miners managed to escape when the accident occurred, reported the official news agency Xinhua.

The fact that the accident was one of the largest mining state China has improved the chances of survival for miners trapped. These mines tend to have better rescue equipment and safety practices of small mines.

Posted By: Mian Shakeel Aslam 


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